Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Contest Has Begun!!!

Hey everyone! Today marks one week into the contest! Sorry I couldn't get a blog up last week, I was super busy. But I'm so excited to see your dances. Starting today, you have one week to get all of your videos in, or show me the dances live. If you're not sure of the rules, go back to the blog titled "Dancing Contest!!!".

Dance App

For all of you out there who want to learn basic tap moves, there's an app called Tap App in the Apple store. Unfortunately it's not free, it costs $1.99. If you're already a tap dancer I'd recommend not getting it, it's mainly for people who are just starting out. As an alternative, you can look up videos on YouTube on certain moves you want to learn.
I personally love tapping! I think it's cool to make music with your feet. I especially love acapella tap dancing. I recommend trying it out if you haven't already. Borrow a pair of tap shoes from a friend because they are a bit of an investment.

TV Chatter

How many of you watched Dance Moms Miami on Tuesday? I'll be honest, I'm more of a Dance Moms (Pittsburgh) fan. The moms on DM Miami are so dramatic and it was too over acted. Maybe I'm still warming up to it but DM Pittsburgh is still on the top of my "list" or "pyramid" or whatever you want to call it :P. The kids are great dancers though! Let me know what you think about it in the comments.


Try to observe the other dancers at your studio - beginners or advanced. You'd be amazed how much you can learn by studying what other dancers do well, or not so well. Sometimes in class if we're doing across-the-floor and I'm close to the end of the line, I watch all the dancers before me and try to spot their strengths and weaknesses in that particular move. A lot of the time many of the dancers have weaknesses in common, so I try to think about those while it's my turn to go. Or I look at another dancer and think, "Oh, I really like how she does that. I'm going to try to do that." It helps me become a better dancer by observing, even though it may go unnoticed at the time.

Jo~Ann Tshirts

If you ordered a Jo~Ann Tshirt you should have it by now. If you don't, it's because you haven't payed yet. Don't stress about it, just give your money to SB when you're ready. I'm not sure if you got all of the instructions but DON'T WASH YOUR SHIRT until we give the washing instructions to you. If you already have and it's not messed up, you're lucky ;) But be careful until we can tell you how to do it. Thanks.

Dance GOAL of the Week: Enter the contest!

The goal for this saturday is simply to enter the contest. It's ok if you haven't even started choreographing yet. Just throw something together really quickly. Subscribe to Pray LOVE Live and Dancing For Jesus also for a better chance of winning. Thanks everyone! See you on Wednesday. Have a good Easter!

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