This next one is basically a bunch of adults' thoughts on what they wish they would have known when they were 15. You only get one life; make WHATEVER YOU WANT of it.
What I love about this video is that I'm watching it before it's too late. The people in the video wrote things they wish they would've known at 15. For us, we still have time. Don't make your choices regretful.
Im going to give you the goal early this blog because it's related to this video.
God GOAL of the Week: Write messages to yourself like the ones in the video.
The only difference between the video and this goal is, we can still make it happen! Whether you want to talk to a girl/ boy who gets bullied, or stop trying to fit in and just be yourself, do it! If you don't, in the future you'll be left wondering how it would've turned out. So here's what you can do:
- You can write a note to yourself on each day of the week on your calendar. You can write something you want to work on that day or just encouraging messages; and this way you'll have a new message each day.
- You can write a message to yourself on post-it notes and stick them on you bathroom mirror. So every morning when you're getting ready for school you see the message. I got this idea from Pray LOVE Live and it's a great idea.
- I also like to write messages on note cards and put them under my pillow each night. I don't know why, but I like to.
Another idea I had was to make a present for a friend. Here's what you'll need:
- a box with a removable lid
- any type of paper that is not sticky or popsicle sticks
- lined sheet of paper
- pen or sharpie
- you can also get some things to decorate the box if it's too plain
The directions for the popsicle sticks and the paper are different so you can read both to see what you prefer.
Popsicle Stick Directions
1. Decorate your box if it is plain
2. Use a sharpie to write 21 encouraging messages on one end of each popsicle stick. (It will last 3 weeks)
3. Put the popsicle sticks in the box with the blank end at the top.
4. On the lined sheet of paper write a message telling your friend to pick one popsicle stick per day and carry it around in a backpack or purse to keep it in mind throughout the day.
5. Tape the paper on the box
Paper Directions
1. Decorate your box if it is plain
2. Cut up a paper into 21 squares the size of each date on a 12x12 inch calendar (standard calendar) You will probably need more than one sheet of paper.
3. Use a pen to write encouraging messages on each cut piece of paper.
4. Mix the squares into the box.
5. On the lined sheet of paper write a message telling your friend to pick one square each day and tape it to her calendar so she has an encouraging message every day.
This is a great present to give to a friend on their birthday month or when they're going through a tough time. They will feel appreciated!
This didn't really have anything to do with dancing, so now I'm gonna show you some dance tip videos.
This one gives different stretches to help increase your flexibility. I've done all of these stretches before and they do help. Just be sure you're not pushing too much!
So there are a few videos I found on a la second turns. I thought it would be good to post two of them, and take information from both. In the first video they're called pump turns. I've never really heard that term used, but it's the same move.
Write down on a piece of paper the corrections that your teacher gives you in class. He/she may expect you to take all of the corrections right away, but that can be difficult. Each week choose one thing you're going to work on. This could be pointed feet, straight knees, spotting, the list goes on! Also work on it at home so by the end of the week, it should have improved greatly!
Alright that's it for today! Don't forget to post your song choice on Saturday's blog. The last day to enter the contest is March 31st which is the day it starts. Bye girls!
Here's a copy of a Pray LOVE Live post that has to do with what I talked about today.
This is a really cool Christian poject I challenege every single one of you to do to help pthers realize their self worth and self beauty. When you go to any public restroom keep some post- its that say an encouraging message on them in your purse or your pocket or really anything you take practically everywhere(my favorite messages are simply Your Beautiful or God loves you but you can do any inspiring Christian messages on your post its) Then every time you go in a public restroom put one on the mirror so any girls feeling down can be inspired by your message! This project I made is called the YBP or your beautiful project! Also you can put these post-its on your own mirror if you are ever feeling down. I have 11 post- it notes on my closet mirror they say
What God Says...
1.That trials create spiritual endurance
2.that he loves us no matter what not gossip pray about everything love the enemy
6.that I am loved and worthy work enthusiastucally trust in him always
9.that we are beautiful because he created us
10.everything happens for a reason
11.we should be giving and selfless
Whenever i walk by my mirrors these stickys remind me how to live my life according to God's standards
Another thing that improves the way I live my life is I write down a really long list of Jesus' characteristics and every month i pick one to work on and this helps me to strive to be more like Jesus. This month accept the challenge of trying to be more forgiving.
I am going to end this little bible study with a verse that really goes with our theme
"God does not see us as humans see us. Humans look at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7
Remember your self worth, your self beauty and that God created you in his image and I love every one of us but God loves you even more than I do!
This is my favorite post of yours. I loved the one with the adults writing what they wish they'd known. The ballet one was awesome and the a la second videos totally helped. I am so excited for the contest! I am doing one and only by adele! Thanks soooo much Loren for making this blog you are teaching me sooo much. Whenever you feel discouraged just remember that your helping one person and I look forward to eery Wednesday and Saturday and read your blog the moment it comes up. I even read it twice watch all the videos, ect. Your hard work never goes tow waste. Love you sooo much! Keep serving the Lord!